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Insufficient information to assess impact of development
The Hybrid application prevents the impact of the proposals in terms of the setting and significance of the listed building from being fully assessed. The planning authority should request additional information in order to assess the impact of the proposals. The planning statement actually states the Plan for conversion of Brunel “to be similar to that already approved via provision reference 1225/19/LBC.” **This is the Listed Building Consent gained by TCDS in 2019 which contained a commissioned 61 page Heritage statement for the building. No details of the works are given in the application.
The development must be considered against the relevant paragraphs of the `National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)- specifically paragraphs 199-202 See extract at end of doc
“National Planning Policy Framework – HERITAGE ASSETS Considering potential impacts”. The supporting evidence relating to heritage and heritage impact is insufficient to allow this assessment to be undertaken.
No information given
The application is not explicit in terms of Community Use of the listed Brunel building.Simply states “Change of Use”. Key deliverable in TTV22(5). Planning statement commentary states that “the future community management will be agreed through the S106 agreement”. How will this be achieved in practice? Community use should be captured in the description of the development alongside a suitable mechanism for delivery.
No baseline assessment to judge ecological impact
The Ecological assessment confirms the absence of the Defra/Natural England Biodiversity Metric v3.0. Further survey work and the South Hams Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Greater Horseshoe Bat Landscape Connectivity Zone would indicate the existing baseline score of the site is likely to be relatively high.This does not conform to ensuring all new development does not have any negative impact on the greater horseshoe bat species and their flight paths within the protected South Hams SAC.
A Biodiversity Metric table which confirms the current score of the site must be provided as the existing score must be understood before the principle can be considered. If the redevelopment results in a negative score in terms of biodiversity net gain then this is a significant material consideration.
No Plan provided
The application as submitted lacks the information required for an application of this nature and scale. The application must be supported by a Construction Management Plan as required by the local validation checklist. Especially given the risk of contamination to the site and local waterways.
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