The Atmos Project to develop the Dairy Crest site in Totnes is groundbreaking. It puts the needs of the community above profit, delivering the jobs and housing the town desperately need. We need a change of heart. Our campaign aims to see the realisation of this groundbreaking project.What can we do?

We object!

The old Dairy Crest site next to the railway station in Totnes was about to become > the forward thinking solution to many of our towns needs. Especially more affordable homes.

So we object to the current owners FastGlobe > - a mastics company from Essex - and their plan > to build holiday chalets on this site.

If you think Totnes deserves affordable homes, not holiday chalets, you need to object to South Hams District Council by 17 November 2022 >

How Do I Object ?

We are the Atmos for Totnes campaign group

The Atmos Project is groundbreaking, ambitious and fulfills so many of the towns needs. Which is not surprising as it is designed by the people, for the people.

Totnes Community Development Society (TCDS) was established to deliver the Atmos Project according to the plan we, the town’s residents, designed.

Then at the eleventh hour, the site was instead sold to FastGlobe (Mastics) from Essex, in a backroom deal just hours before we were expecting to sign final contracts.

Over 4,000 meaningful contributions from 20 rounds of community consultations led to a masterplan overwhelmingly approved in a town wide referendum. By enacting the UK's most ambitious use of Community Right to Build legislation, and by achieving planning permission, Totnes achieved something special – a people-powered shift that puts development in the hands of the community.

We all made it work, but we also made it an attractive proposition for land agents. It's 'just business' they say.

But there is another way.

See what we voted to see on the site

Why it matters for the future of Totnes

"After 50 years of everyone-for-themselves, culminating in the still-raw divisiveness of the Brexit campaign, we need this re-consolidation throughout the whole of British society.  And we need it much more than we need yet another development driven solely by developers' self-interest".

Keep the heart in Totnes

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